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[Media Invitation] Media Familiarisation Trip to Changi Airport

Dear Bapak Hadi Prayogo,


Perkenalkan, saya Joanna Kotjo dari FleishmanHillard, konsultan PR untuk Changi Airport Group. Kami bermaksud mengundang Bapak Hadi Prayogo untuk mengunjungi Bandara Changi di Singapura dan melihat berbagai fasilitas yang menjadikan Bandara Changi terpilih sebagai bandara terbaik dunia selama empat tahun berturut-turut. Untuk lebih jelasnya, terlampir dan dibawah adalah undangan resmi dari Mr. Dennis Yim, Assistant Vice President, Corporate & Marketing Communications, Changi Airport Group. Semoga Bapak Hadi dapat turut serta dalam media trip ini.



Singapore Changi Airport has recently been voted the World's Best Airport by air travellers for the fourth year in a row at the 2016 World Airport Awards. That was the 7th time that Changi Airport picked up the title at the World Airport Awards.


It gives me great pleasure to invite Sriwijaya Pos as my guest to explore the many interesting facilities and service, and wide range of shopping and dining options that have made Changi Airport the World's Best Airport. It will also be an opportunity for you to understand how Changi Airport Group manages Changi Airport, with a community of more than 40,000 airport staff ready to serve the millions of passengers that come from all corners of the world every year. Indonesia is especially important to Changi Airport as it is our top country market. The programme will cover a presentation to provide you with an in-depth overview of Changi Airport, guided tour of Changi Airport's three terminals, a chance to enjoy the Free Singapore Tour as well as meals and accommodation hosted by Changi Airport Group.


A fully sponsored media familiarisation trip from 15-16 June 2016 is being arranged for you. Since the trip is scheduled during the fasting month, all activities will be adjusted accordingly. Changi Airport Group will bear the expenses for your airfare, one-night accommodation at The Crowne Plaza, Changi Airport and meal charges during the course of stay in Singapore.


Kindly confirm if Harian Sriwijaya Pos will be accepting this invitation and confirm your attendance with Ms Joanna Kotjo of FleishmanHillard Jakarta at 0813 8100 6604 or latest by Friday, 3 June 2016.


I look forward to welcoming Harian Sriwijaya Pos to Changi Airport


Yours sincerely,


Dennis Yim

Assistant Vice President

Corporate & Marketing Communications

Changi Airport Group




Terima kasih atas perhatian dan kerjasama baik yang diberikan.




Joanna Kotjo              

Senior Account Executive

FleishmanHillard | EightyEight@Kasablanka, 33rd Floor | Jl. Casablanca Raya Kav.88 | Jakarta 12870 | Indonesia

O +62-21-2982-0233 | M +62-813-8100-6604| F +62-21-2982-0235


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