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Paid Survey Hints For More Money

Not long ago I didn’t think it was possible to make money taking paid surveys at home. Who would want to pay me for my opinion? I thought it must all be some sort of scam, but I was wrong. Oh sure, there are scams out there just looking to get your email address or your money, but most of the actual survey sites are for real. They send real surveys for real clients and they pay you in real cash. These 7 hints will help YOU increase the money you can make with paid surveys.

It is fun and easy to make money taking surveys. There are a few things you can do to make it even more profitable too. The reason I wrote this article is to help others achieve the same kind of success I have with paid surveys.

The hints and tips here will give you that extra edge that could put you in a place where you can make a real living and enter that blessed group of people who are able to work from home. No more rat race for you. Think how envious your friends and neighbors will be when they find out YOU don’t have to go to an office anymore. They’ll all want to know what your secret is.

So here they are in no particular order. 7 tips to maximize your paid survey earnings.

1. First, put together a long list of paid survey sites and companies. If you go to Google and search for ‘free paid survey list’ you should find plenty of sites that give you free lists of survey sites“‘paid surveys’ at Google or your favorite search engine. Don’t pay for a list, you can find the same information for free. You should be able to easily find a site that gives you over 300 paid survey sites. Access to the list is free and so is signing up and taking the surveys. What have you got to lose?

2. Sign up for as many internet survey sites as possible. The more sites you are registered at the better your chances of receiving the top paid survey opportunities. Many of the paid survey sites will only send occasional surveys so it is in your best interests to be signed up for as many possible. This is the number one thing you can do if you really want to make the most out of taking surveys online and maybe even work from home.

3. Create a separate email account specifically to receive your surveys for cash. It will help keep you organized to have one place for all your surveys.

4. Download and use Roboform. This is especially important when you start out. Roboform will cut down the time it takes you to fill out registration forms at the online survey sites by 90%. This will leave you more time to make money taking surveys. Roboform is your best friend when it comes to filling in forms. Best of’s free. Do yourself a favor and download Roboform for free from their site at

5. Check your mailbox regularly for new surveys. Three times a day should be sufficient although it doesn’t hurt to check more often because some of the surveys have a limit on the number of participants and you need to get to them fast. I’ve found that when you are reliable in returning surveys the internet survey companies reward you by sending more and better surveys. They will also invite you to register for exclusive paid survey groups that are not open to the general public.

6. Consider everything you’ve done or owned when signing up for paid surveys, each experience can be helpful. If they are looking for homeowners and you have ever owned a home you are a good candidate for that survey because you have an opinion about homeownership. Be creative and flexible.

7. Look for the most profitable opportunities first, but don’t overlook the surveys that will enter you into drawings. Some of the drawings are small and your odds are very good. This is especially true of the sites run by universities. If you are consistently taking surveys for cash you will win some prizes as well.

I really hope that these hints will help you become more successful. You can do this, I know you can. The only thing required is your persistence and your desire to succeed. Don’t wait start today on the path to paid survey success!

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1 Response to "Paid Survey Hints For More Money"

suchen17 said...

thank you for your very informative information.

much appreaciated.
